Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ethics of the NAEYC AND DEC


P-1.5 We shall be familiar with the symptoms of child abuse and neglect and know and follow
community procedures and state laws that protect children against abuse and

P-1.6—when we have evidence of child abuse or neglect, we shall report the evidence to the appropriate community agency and follow up to ensure that appropriate action has been taken. When
possible, parents will be informed
P-2.3—We shall inform families of and, when appropriate, involve them in policy decisions.


1. We shall demonstrate our respect and concern for children, families, colleagues, and others with
Whom we work, honoring their beliefs,values, customs, languages, and culture.

2. We shall recognize ourresponsibility to improve the developmental outcomes of children and to
provide services and supports in a fair and equitable manner to all families and children.

3. We shall recognize and respect the dignity, diversity, and autonomy of the families and children
we serve.

why i chose these ethics is that we should always have the childs best interest at heart. and that we should always have respect for them and their parents no matter what the situations might be.

1 comment:

Anna said...

I agree with you, ethics is very important in childcare. It is also important to be able to spot and report child abuse.